Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Don't Miss The Bus

With interest rates creeping back up, not running but creeping and on average a 8 month supply of homes on the market,plus a tax credit of up to $8000.00 and prices down by 14%+- there has not been many better times to buy your first home.
I remember when my wife and I bought our first home in 1978, we got an interest rate of 8.5% and were very happy, three years later rates were 15% for what seemed like forever, it was only about 9years to get below 10%
With below average rates,100% financing available for first time buyers in Marion,parts of Hamilton and Johnson counties and the interest rate moving, get on the bus now,or if you like wait and find out if rates go double digit again, unlikely but I sure didn't see it coming the last time either.

To learn more about 100% financing and tips for buying your first home, sign up for one of the FREE homebuyers classes just scheduled. Seating is limited so get on the bus and take a seat.